Do I need a ticket for Durham Lumiere 2019?

Didn't manage to secure a Durham Lumiere 2019 ticket? Don't worry - you can still enjoy everything the festival has to offer.

Durham Lumiere 2019 is already half way through, with one of the busiest nights - Saturday- about to start tonight. The festival runs until Sunday November 17.

Tickets for Durham Lumiere went on general release on October 28, and were available through the Lumiere website and also via several council premises such as libraries and leisure centres around County Durham.

If you're going to Lumiere, be sure to check our park and ride guide, the road closures, information on extra bus services, and public transport overview.

You can also see some video highlights here.

While Friday and Saturday tickets went quickly, there were low stocks left for Thursday and Sunday until a few days before the event. All the tickets have now been snapped up, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy everything that Lumiere has to offer.

Do I need a ticket to go to Durham Lumiere 2019?

Not at all - you can walk around Lumiere without a ticket. 26 of the 37 light installations are outside the ticketed area and can be viewed at any time. The other 11 can be viewed after 7.30pm without a ticket.

You don't need a Lumiere ticket to see Durham Cathedral's fire show after 7.30pm

What were the Lumiere tickets for then?

The tickets allow access to the more crowded central area - effectively the Durham peninsula - from 4.30-7.30pm each evening. Therefore, having a ticket means you can enjoy wandering around the central area earlier on, before it becomes too busy.

However, after 7.30pm anyone can go in, with or without a Lumiere ticket.

You can read more about what tickets enable you to do in our Lumiere ticket guide.

So what's my best plan if I don't have a ticket?

One idea might be to wander around the artworks that are outside the central area until 7.30pm, and then head in to see the remaining 11. It's worth going into the central peninsula area because it contains the Durham Cathedral projection mapping show and the fire show in the grounds, as well as 'I Love Durham', which has turned the man on the horse in Durham Marketplace into a giant snowglobe.

You can see some pictures from this year's event in our Durham Lumiere 2019 picture gallery. You can also check out our Lumiere tips before going.