When and where does the Durham St Cuthbert Procession 2019 start?

If you're taking part in the St Cuthbert Procession from Durham to Chester le Street, you'll probably need to know where and when it will start. Here's the information you'll need.

The St Cuthbert Procession is the key event in the four day St Cuthbert Festival run by Durham Cathedral to celebrate the life of Durham's most important saint. Walking from Chester le Street to Durham, walkers follow an eight mile path to Durham Marketplace and then on to Durham Cathedral, recreating the walk the monks carrying St Cuthbert's coffin took as they fled Viking incursions to find a final resting place.

Read next: Why is St Cuthbert Durham's patron saint?

Where does the St Cuthbert Procession start?

The St Cuthbert Procession starts at St Mary's and St Cuthbert's Church, Chester le Street.

What time does the St Cuthbert Procession start?

The St Cuthbert Procession starts at 9.30am on Saturday March 23.

Everyone can then join in the procession behind the banner from Durham Marketplace to Durham Cathedral, arriving at 2.10pm for a short service at St Cuthbert's shrine.

Read next: This month's Durham Cathedral events

The St Cuthbert Procession follows a historic pilgrimage route symbolising the arrival of St Cuthbert's body, and covers eight miles. Children are welcome to go along on the St Cuthbert Procession, but organisers are asking parents to consider whether their children will be up to walking the route given that it is quite a distance.

It's free to take part in the St Cuthbert Procession but you'll need to book your place. You can book your tickets on the Durham Cathedral website.

The St Cuthbert Procession is the big finale to the St Cuthbert Festival which began on Wednesday March 20. The St Cuthbert Festival includes lots of different types of events, from traditional services through to food fairs and live music performances.