42,000 tonnes of salt? Durham's winter in numbers - and how to get your grit bin refilled

Grit bins can be a real blessing during the winter months. Here's who to contact if yours needs refilling, plus some facts and figures about winter in County Durham.

With the freezing weather already here, it's been predicted that we're in for a long and tough winter. We've already had several freezes with icy patches, and regular overnight frosts.

But throughout it all County Durham has to keep moving, with roads to navigate and drives to clear.

So how is it done? Here are a few facts and figures about winter in County Durham.

How do I get my salt bin refilled?

If your grit bin is empty, then the easiest way to request a refill is to head online. Go to www.durham.gov.uk/saltbins where you can order a new salt bin, get a replacement if your local bin is damaged, get the rubbish cleared from it, or request a refill for an existing salt bin.

However, if you want to speak to a real person, then if you were hoping for a dedicated hotline then we've got bad news. You'll have to go through the generic Durham County Council contact number, which is 03000 260000.

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How many gritters are there in County Durham?

There are 76 gritters and snowblowers operating across County Durham. The 40 power gritters in the fleet are fitted with 360-degree cameras to help improve safety and provide information on weather conditions.

How much road do the County Durham gritters cover?

During normal winter conditions 1,056 miles (1,700km) of priority one roads, normally A or B roads, will be treated, covering 45 per cent of the road network. More minor routes, or priority two roads, will be treated in times of prolonged severe winter weather when the resources are available.

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How much salt and grit is involved?

There are 42,000 tonnes of salt ready to tackle the ice and any snow, with over 2,380 salt bins located in key positions around the county to assist residents and businesses.

Which Durham roads have been gritted and where are the gritters due?

The County Durham gritters are fitted with GPS so you can check if your road has been gritted or is due to be gritted each night.

To see a list of priority gritting routes, track gritters as they are out and about, see roadside weather cameras, and find information on which roads are affected by adverse weather visit www.durham.gov.uk/winterinfo

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